Parents Push Good Governance While a parent advocacy group calls for cooperation and good governance, the board's vote for vice president reveals its fault lines
Hybrid Board Takes Office Later this morning, the Chicago Board of Education’s 10 elected members and four new appointees will be seated alongside the remaining six interim board members appointed in October. The board members I spoke with don't know whether the mystery 21st member will appear and be sworn in
New Year, New Board, Same Old Power Struggles Chicago Public Schools news didn't stop with the winter break. Incoming Board of Education members are in training now and will be sworn in January 15.
Friday Night Fights; DIY Training While the board and CEO tangle over who’s boss, incoming board members pursue a different vision of governance.
Declarations of Independence? Buckle up! We're about to get a taste of what an "empowered and independent" Chicago school board looks like.
Coming soon This is Board Rule, where Maureen Kelleher will be bringing you the backstory on the changing Chicago Board of Education and what it all means for schools and families. We'll also keep tabs on what's happening on the ground in Chicago Public Schools. Best of all,